CFO/ 財務(wù)總監(jiān)(英語+俄語)

30-60K/月 上海-黃浦區(qū) 10年以上 本科 全職1人 俄語(熟練)

CFO/ 財務(wù)總監(jiān)(英語+俄語)

收藏 分享 投訴
五險 公積金 專業(yè)培訓 年終獎
必備技能和資格/Essential skills and qualifications: 1. 中國稅法; PRC tax legislation; 2. 中華人民共和國有關(guān)會計、稅務(wù)計算和結(jié)算(包括跨境結(jié)算)的法令、決議、條例、命令、指南、方法和監(jiān)管材料 PRC Legislative acts, resolutions, ordinances, orders, guidelines, methodological and regulatory materials on organization of accounting, tax accounting and settlements (including cross-border settlements); 3. 中國銀行業(yè)法規(guī) PRC banking legislation; 4. 會計和結(jié)算框架內(nèi)的文件流程組織 Organization of document flow within the framework of accounting and settlements; 5. 編制會計結(jié)余和報表的程序和期限 Procedure and deadlines for preparation of accounting balances and statements. 6. 財務(wù)結(jié)算的形式和程序; Forms and procedure of financial settlements 7. 計算機和組織設(shè)備的操作規(guī)則 Rules of operation of computing and organizational equipment. 8. 經(jīng)濟學、勞動組織和管理基礎(chǔ)知識 Fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management. 9. 組織的內(nèi)部組織和行政文件 Internal organizational and administrative documents of the organization. 10. 計算機會計程序 Computer programs for accounting. 11. 市場管理方法 Market methods of management. 12. 中華人民共和國勞動法規(guī)基礎(chǔ)知識 Fundamentals of Labor Legislation of the People's Republic of China. 13. 組織生產(chǎn)技術(shù)基礎(chǔ)知識 Fundamentals of the organization's production technology. 14. 勞動保護、工業(yè)、消防和環(huán)境安全的規(guī)定和規(guī)范。 Rules and norms of labor protection, industrial, fire and environmental safety. 作任務(wù)和職責/Job task and responsibilities: 1. 接收并在會計和稅務(wù)會計中反映與銀行業(yè)務(wù)核算有關(guān)的主要文件。 Receives and reflects in accounting and tax accounting primary documentation on accounting of operations with banks. 2. 控制和組織向公司付款的流程。 Controls and organizes the process of making payments to the Company. 3. 與銀行、國家外匯管理局(SAFE)就跨境結(jié)算和立法進行溝通。 Communicates with banks, the State Administration for Foreign Exchange Operations (SAFE) on cross-border settlements and legislation. 4. 控制文件的可用性和正確執(zhí)行,確認與銀行結(jié)算的會計賬戶交易。 Controls the availability and proper execution of documents, confirming transactions on accounting accounts for settlements with banks. 5. 為內(nèi)部和外地稅務(wù)審計及獨立審計準備文件。 Prepares documentation for in-house and field tax audit and independent audit. 6. 在職權(quán)范圍內(nèi)準備和(或)參與準備對稅務(wù)部門、銀行、其他中國政府機構(gòu)詢問的答復。 Prepares and (or) participates in the preparation of responses to inquiries from tax services, banks, other PRC government agencies within the scope of competence. 7. 應(yīng)股東要求,母公司執(zhí)行董事、總經(jīng)理和經(jīng)濟與財務(wù)主管(首席財務(wù)官)在其職權(quán)范圍內(nèi)提供所需的信息。 At the request of the Shareholders, the Executive director, the General manager and the the Head of Economics and Finance (Chief Financial Officer) of the Parent company provide the requested information within the scope of their activities and within the limits of their competence. 8. 確保會計和銀行文件的安全,并按照既定程序?qū)⑦@些文件歸檔。 Ensures the safety of accounting and bank documents, draws them up in accordance with the established procedure for transfer to the archive. 9. 在職權(quán)范圍內(nèi)參與公司規(guī)章和標準的制定。 Participates in the development of regulations and standards of the Company within the scope of competence. 10. 在職權(quán)范圍內(nèi)參與制定公司活動發(fā)展的措施和可能方案的計算。 Participates in the development of measures and calculations of possible options for the development of the Company's activities within the scope of competence. 11. 監(jiān)督并全力支持中國的清算活動(如有必要)。 Supervise and fully support liquidation activities in PRC (if necessary). 12. 監(jiān)測中國稅務(wù)、銀行、跨境結(jié)算和會計法規(guī)的變化,以及國際財務(wù)報告法規(guī)和標準的變化。 Monitor changes in tax, banking, cross-border settlements and accounting legislation, changes in international financial reporting regulation and standards in PRC. 13. 通過有計劃的專業(yè)發(fā)展、自我培訓、額外培訓等方式提高專業(yè)能力。 Improves professional competence through planned professional development, self-training, additional training, etc. 14. 履行規(guī)范公司活動的內(nèi)部監(jiān)管和方法文件的要求。 Fulfills the requirements of internal regulatory and methodological documents regulating the activities of the Company. 15. 管理影響其目標實現(xiàn)的風險。及時組織對風險的識別、分析和評估,制定風險緩解措施??刂骑L險緩解措施的質(zhì)量和及時執(zhí)行。及時向所有利益攸關(guān)方通報風險。 Manages risks affecting the achievement of its objectives. Organizes the process of timely identification, analysis and assessment of risks, development of risk mitigation measures. Controls the quality and timely implementation of risk mitigation measures. Informs all stakeholders about risks in a timely manner. 16. 必要時 - 維護公司結(jié)算賬戶的運作,在客戶-銀行系統(tǒng)中準備和發(fā)送支付指令。 - 履行中國現(xiàn)行法律規(guī)定的其他職責和管理層的個別任務(wù),以及公司現(xiàn)行的工作說明、命令、指示和規(guī)定。 If necessary: - Maintains operations on settlement accounts of the Company, prepares and sends payment orders in the Client-Bank system. - Performs other duties and individual assignments of the management as defined by the current PRC legislation, as well as current Job Description, orders, instructions and regulations in force at the Company.
HR 在線溝通
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工作地點: 上海-黃浦區(qū) 企業(yè)天地-1號樓
溫馨提示: 用人單位招聘人才,以任何名義收取費用(如體檢費、服裝費等)都屬于違法,請應(yīng)聘者提高警惕!
俄語 上海-黃浦區(qū) 本科 10年以上
在線溝通 HR
俄語 上海-黃浦區(qū) 本科 5-10年
在線溝通 HR
俄語 上海-黃浦區(qū) 本科 5-10年
在線溝通 HR
俄語 上海-黃浦區(qū) 本科 5-10年
在線溝通 HR
俄語 上海-黃浦區(qū) 本科 經(jīng)驗不限
在線溝通 HR
本網(wǎng)站之所有招聘信息及作品,未經(jīng)書面授權(quán)不得轉(zhuǎn)載。 外語人才網(wǎng) ? 2002-2024 版權(quán)所有
運營商:杭州萬行人力資源服務(wù)有限公司    人力資源服務(wù)許可證:330105202007290016
營業(yè)執(zhí)照: 91330105749471461Q 增值電信業(yè)務(wù)經(jīng)營許可證: 浙B2-20150052 - 浙ICP備15001488號-3
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