Procurement Manager/ 采購經(jīng)理(俄語)

20-30K/月 上海-黃浦區(qū) 5-10年 本科 全職1人 俄語(熟練)

Procurement Manager/ 采購經(jīng)理(俄語)

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五險 公積金 專業(yè)培訓 年終獎
Education and professional experience required/學歷和專業(yè)經(jīng)驗要求: 高等教育(商業(yè)或技術方面的)Higher Education (commercial or technical) 1. 5年以上生產(chǎn)企業(yè)材料、設備采購經(jīng)驗。 More than 5 years of experience in purchasing materials and equipment 2.精通英語和中文,書面及口語溝通無阻礙,國際貿易、商務英語、技術英語(特別是天然氣領域)。 Proficient in English and Chinese, written and verbal communication, English for international trade, business English, technical English (especially in the sphere of gas industry). English skills are mandatory, Russian will be an advantage. 3. 熟悉中國天然氣市場以及協(xié)作工業(yè)(設備、材料)優(yōu)先考慮。 Familiar with China's gas market and adjacent industries (equipment, materials) will be an advantage 4. 熟悉國際物流與海關問題。 Deep understanding of international logistics and customs matters. Essential skills and qualifications/必備技能和資格: 1. 精通供應商管理,熟悉采購業(yè)務流程設計和梳理,并有流程再造能力和經(jīng)驗。 Proficient in supplier management, familiar with procurement business process design and BPR, BPR ability and experience; 2. 具備優(yōu)秀、嫻熟的談判能力、溝通能力。 Excellent negotiation and communication skills; 3. 積極進取,對采購管理工作有熱情,有強烈的進取心以及市場敏感度。 proactivity, enthusiasm for procurement management, enterprising spirit and market sensitivity; 4. 組織性和協(xié)調性強,具備良好的協(xié)作能力,職業(yè)道德和素養(yǎng),能承受較大工作壓力。 Strong organization and coordination, good collaboration ability, understanding of professional ethics, shall be able to work under pressure. Preferred but not essential skills and qualifications。 優(yōu)先但非必備技能和資格: 1. 天然氣行業(yè)相關的貨物(包括天然氣企業(yè)設備和材料)進出口經(jīng)驗 Experience in export/import operations with products for the gas industry (including equipment and materials for the productions facilities). Key objectives/主要工作目標: 1. 負責母公司天然氣項目相關的采購管理工作,對內整合各部門需求,對外整合供應商資 源。 Responsible for the procurement management work related to the parent company's gas project, internally integrate the needs of various departments, and externally manage suppliers’ data base. 2. 優(yōu)化供應鏈管理體系,提升采購效率,降低天然氣項目相關的采購成本。 Optimize the supply chain management system, improve procurement efficiency, and reduce procurement costs related to gas projects 3. 按照母公司制定的方案協(xié)助公司天然氣業(yè)務在華的發(fā)展。 Assistance in implementation of company’s gas business development in China according to the plan formulated by the parent company 4. 扶持母公司位于俄羅斯的天然氣工廠,經(jīng)過采購活動維護該工廠的生產(chǎn)能力。 Support parent company's gas plants in Russia and maintain its production capacity through procurement activities. 5. 新采購渠道的開發(fā)工作。 Development of new procurement channels. 6. 負責公司天然氣項目采購SOP流程的健全和完善,并不斷更新SOP體系內容和流程。Responsible for the soundness and improvement of the company's gas project procurement SOP process, and constantly update the content and process of the SOP system. 7. 按母公司提出的要求尋找中國境內的供應商并安排采購活動。 Search for suppliers in China and arrange procurement activities according to the requirements of the parent company. 8. 構成關鍵供應商數(shù)據(jù)庫,按應當供應的各種產(chǎn)品類型形成商品群。 To form a database of the key suppliers and the corresponding commodity groups according to the various types of products that are to be supplied. 9. 與中國供應商建立合同關系,發(fā)展長期合作 Establish contractual relationship with Chinese suppliers and develop long-term cooperation 10. 實行母公司委托的其他任務。 Performance of other tasks assigned by the parent company.
HR 在線溝通
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工作地點: 上海-黃浦區(qū) 企業(yè)天地-1號樓
溫馨提示: 用人單位招聘人才,以任何名義收取費用(如體檢費、服裝費等)都屬于違法,請應聘者提高警惕!
俄語 上海-黃浦區(qū) 本科 10年以上
在線溝通 HR
俄語 上海-黃浦區(qū) 本科 5-10年
在線溝通 HR
俄語 上海-黃浦區(qū) 本科 5-10年
在線溝通 HR
俄語 上海-黃浦區(qū) 本科 5-10年
在線溝通 HR
俄語 上海-黃浦區(qū) 本科 經(jīng)驗不限
在線溝通 HR
本網(wǎng)站之所有招聘信息及作品,未經(jīng)書面授權不得轉載。 外語人才網(wǎng) ? 2002-2024 版權所有
運營商:杭州萬行人力資源服務有限公司    人力資源服務許可證:330105202007290016
營業(yè)執(zhí)照: 91330105749471461Q 增值電信業(yè)務經(jīng)營許可證: 浙B2-20150052 - 浙ICP備15001488號-3
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