Legal Counsel/ 法務(wù)經(jīng)理(英語(yǔ)+俄語(yǔ))

25-50K/月 上海-黃浦區(qū) 5-10年 本科 全職1人 俄語(yǔ)(熟練)

Legal Counsel/ 法務(wù)經(jīng)理(英語(yǔ)+俄語(yǔ))

收藏 分享 投訴
五險(xiǎn) 公積金 專業(yè)培訓(xùn) 年終獎(jiǎng)
崗位職責(zé)/ Job Responsibilities: 1. Provides legal support for the activities of the Russian Federation Company / its subsidiary or dependent company in the territory of the PRC. 2. Participates in concluding contracts with contractors or suppliers attracted by the Russian Federation Company / its subsidiary or dependent company within the framework of activities carried out in the territory of the PRC. 3. Coordinates the activities of all structural divisions of the Russian Federation Company on issues related to the activities of the Russian Federation Company / its subsidiary or dependent company in the territory of the PRC. 4. Provides advisory and methodological support to all structural divisions of the Russian Federation Company on issues related to the legislation of the PRC, as well as the activities of the Company/its subsidiary or dependent company in the territory of the PRC. 崗位要求/ Requirements: 1. Bachelor degree in law; 2. 5 years above working experience in legal consulting in foreign companies or legal firm. 3. Excellent knowledge of Chinese law, including in the field of concluding commercial transactions; 4. Good command of English orally and written.
HR 在線溝通
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工作地點(diǎn): 上海-黃浦區(qū) 企業(yè)天地-1號(hào)樓
溫馨提示: 用人單位招聘人才,以任何名義收取費(fèi)用(如體檢費(fèi)、服裝費(fèi)等)都屬于違法,請(qǐng)應(yīng)聘者提高警惕!
俄語(yǔ) 上海-黃浦區(qū) 本科 10年以上
在線溝通 HR
俄語(yǔ) 上海-黃浦區(qū) 本科 5-10年
在線溝通 HR
俄語(yǔ) 上海-黃浦區(qū) 本科 5-10年
在線溝通 HR
俄語(yǔ) 上海-黃浦區(qū) 本科 5-10年
在線溝通 HR
俄語(yǔ) 上海-黃浦區(qū) 本科 經(jīng)驗(yàn)不限
在線溝通 HR
本網(wǎng)站之所有招聘信息及作品,未經(jīng)書面授權(quán)不得轉(zhuǎn)載。 外語(yǔ)人才網(wǎng) ? 2002-2024 版權(quán)所有
運(yùn)營(yíng)商:杭州萬(wàn)行人力資源服務(wù)有限公司    人力資源服務(wù)許可證:330105202007290016
營(yíng)業(yè)執(zhí)照: 91330105749471461Q 增值電信業(yè)務(wù)經(jīng)營(yíng)許可證: 浙B2-20150052 - 浙ICP備15001488號(hào)-3
國(guó)資委、教育部、發(fā)改委特別支持的全國(guó)百家誠(chéng)信人才網(wǎng)站聯(lián)盟活動(dòng)倡導(dǎo)單位 中國(guó)誠(chéng)信企業(yè)聯(lián)盟:LMGR690330