Marketing Communications Coordinator

10-16W/年 蘇州-工業(yè)園區(qū) 3-5年 本科 全職1人 英語(熟練)

Marketing Communications Coordinator

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JOB PURPOSE: The APAC Regional Marketing Communications Coordinator for MacDermid Alpha Electronics Solutions (MAES) is responsible for managing internal and external marketing communications to support the achievement of the MAES strategic plan. He/she is responsible for adapting, executing and coordinating internal and external marketing communications, and for customizing and implementing a yearly marketing communications program specific for the region. He/she will leverage strategic marketing activities and tools to promote branding and sale of MAES’ products and services to the electronics industry. JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: - Contributes to marketing communications development, resource allocation, and execution of product launches. - Coordinates all communications and activities with domestic and international business units to deliver consistent message and brands and company positioning. - Supports special projects such as website management, Atlas marketing module launch, identification and relationship management of industry influencers. - Serves as outreach coordinator for activities with professional organizations, industry editors, universities, etc. - Manages agencies within the region in writing and design of article, and website content. Manages in-house development projects: newsletters, technical bulletins, media releases, advertising copy, feature stories, application stories, internet site content and promotional materials. - Operate and manage the MAES WeChat accounts and support for other social media platforms, adapt global content for local conception. In addition, optimize content for greater customer engagement and employee utilization. Generate reports based on established KPIs for tracking and analysis. - Works with sales partners to ensure they have the necessary information to promote and sell MAES products and services. - Contributes to the ShowPad content management for the APAC region - Manages translation support for different MAES sales teams in APAC - Actively models ESI Values – Challenge, Commit, Collaborate, Choose, Care Requirements: - Bachelor's degree in Business, Engineering or related field preferred - Three to Five years’ experience in marketing communications - Mandarin as a first language is essential for this role. English should also be well spoken and written. - Experienced in planning and execution of marketing events. - Experienced in operation and management of WeChat and other domestic social media platforms. - Understand copy writing and advertising for both traditional and digital medias. - A self-starter individual with the ability to assess business and marketing needs, and drive actions to completion. Strong analytics and communication as well as effective interpersonal skills are required. - Flexibility to work with global teams virtually and with multiple organizations. - Good knowledge on InDesign, AI, and Photoshop software is a plus.
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工作地點(diǎn): 蘇州-工業(yè)園區(qū) 龍?zhí)堵?3號(hào)
溫馨提示: 用人單位招聘人才,以任何名義收取費(fèi)用(如體檢費(fèi)、服裝費(fèi)等)都屬于違法,請(qǐng)應(yīng)聘者提高警惕!
英語 蘇州-工業(yè)園區(qū) 本科 3-5年
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韓語 上海-浦東新區(qū) 本科 3-5年
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日語 上海-浦東新區(qū) 本科 3-5年
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